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In 2022, Riken Vitamin committed to a medium- to long-term vision of achieving growth by supporting a sustainable society with specialty products and services. Our policy of effectively using natural materials is part of our DNA, and we aim to be a unique company that contributes to a sustainable society through business activities that provide products and services with outstanding added value.
During our current medium-term management plan (FY2022–FY2024), which is the first step toward realizing our vision, we are strengthening our foundation and investing in future growth.
One of the basic policies of the medium-term management plan is to accelerate expansion in Asia and North America. Until now, sales of commodity products have been our main focus in North America, but we would like to increase sales of specialty products such as high-value-added food-improving agents for bakeries in particular. By using our technology to preserve the deliciousness of bread and confections-especially important given the vast size of the American continent-we can provide significant value to processed food manufacturers as well as to consumers, and also help to reduce food loss.
In parallel with our efforts to expand business in each of the countries and regions we serve, we established the Global Quality Assurance Division within the Quality Assurance Unit in April 2023 to strengthen our management organization.
Human resources are the most important factor in achieving sustainable growth. We are therefore focusing on fostering a free and open-minded culture in which diverse human resources can thrive, and on nurturing the next generation of leaders. Riken Vitamin has always had a free and open-minded corporate culture—a strength that is a part of our DNA with its roots in RIKEN (the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research). However, I am concerned that recently we have started drifting away from this corporate culture. We need to ensure psychological safety so that diverse human resources can freely express their opinions in order to create groundbreaking products. We also need to create an organization that helps us take on the challenges of undertaking new initiatives in planning and development.
As a matter of course, a company must solve social issues through its business activities to contribute to society, but we believe that the key to that is generating sustainable profit. Profit generates tax payments, helps improve employee benefits, and enables shareholder returns, allowing the company to play a meaningful role in society. In 2024, with these fundamental strengths as our core, we have laid out what Riken Vitamin can and should do, and have reviewed our material issues. Based on these material issues, we will promote sustainable management and enhance effectiveness.
We would like to actively communicate our strengths and future potential, and increase dialogue with our stakeholders. We hope our stakeholders share our confidence in our growth and continue to support the Riken Vitamin Group.
Riken Vitamin Co., Ltd.
President & Representative Director
Kazuhiko Yamaki