Medium- to long-term vision Achieving growth by supporting a sustainable society with specialty products and services
Pioneer of natural materials
Riken Vitamin
Much of the comfort and delicious taste we experience in our daily lives, are indeed gifts of nature.
This shows that nature has the power to give peaple a better quality of life.
Based on our policy of effectively utilizing natural materials, Riken Vitamin will continue to contribute to a better quality of life using our unique technologies.

Inherited Philosophy
Riken Vitamin contributes to better health, nutrition, and society with a commitment to our founding policy of “effectively utilizing natural materials.”
Ventures born from extracting, refining,
and concentrating Vitamin A
Building on our techniques for extraction, refinement, and concentration gained from our R&D of natural Vitamin A, we develop highly original products in a wide range of fields.

IR Information
Aiming to be a “value-creating company”
We strive to achieve sustained growth as a company that meets the needs of all stakeholders including customers, shareholders, employees, and the community.

Business activities to contribute to a sustainable world
Through our engagement in six key themes (materialities), we contribute to the SDGs corresponding to each.

IR Topics
Timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Results of Acquisition of Own Shares Through ToSTNeT-3
Timely disclosure
Notice Regarding Acquisition of Own Shares and Repurchase of Own Shares Through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (ToSTNeT-3) and
Cancellation of Treasury Shares -
Performance / Financial Results
Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine Months Ended December 31, 2024
Timely disclosure
Notice of Revisions to Consolidated Full-Year Results Forecast and Year-end Dividend Forecast
Performance / Financial Results
Supplementary Material of Financial Results for Q3 FY2024